Commission Callout - The Dukes' 50th Anniversary

The Dukes is looking for individuals or a company from, or with a strong connection to, Lancashire to create a short performance piece to be delivered as part of the Dukes 50th Anniversary Programme (date and format of performance slot tbc – this might be standalone activity, or part of a mixed-bill night of other activities, at the theatre or offsite).
We are looking for a proposal that is:
- inspired by “50 Years of The Dukes Theatre Lancaster” – its productions, its people and its events past and present, or a consideration of what the next 50 years might bring;
- or, inspired by events in and around the City of Lancaster / County of Lancashire over the last 50 years;
- or, simply inspired by the number “50”.
This work itself will be a performative "end product" with a duration between 15 and 30 mins - utilising up to £2,000 seed money - to be delivered in conjunction at (or offsite but with) The Dukes at a mutually agreed date no later than April 2022.
To apply, please send us in (no more than half a side of A4):
● Some background to your company / your work / practice and and any other creatives who might be involved, mentioning where you are from or your connection to Lancashire.
● A paragraph about your proposed activity
● What your strengths are and any areas you feel you specifically need assistance with
Please send to marking your application “50TH ANNIVERSARY SEED COMMISSION CALL OUT”
If you prefer, the above info can be recorded to camera (max 2 minutes) rather than written . Please email the link to the same email above.
Deadline Date for Applications: Mon 2nd August 2021 9am
Successful applicants informed : Fri 6 August 2021 by 6pm.