Adam York Gregory & Gillian Lees present Au

Through out the week of Blast Fest you can pop into our Gallery to see AU but if you aren't able to make it to the celebration keep scrolling to watch this visceral, intense piece of art.
A performance for film as a response to current anticipation and active lobbying to rewrite the Human Rights Act 1998...
“This Act was passed when the duo were 18 years old. It has been upheld and has served since then as the underpinning of our political and moral landscape in line with the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Whilst at present the UK still upholds its commitment to participate in the ECHR, the UK’s Brexit Trade Agreement only codifies the agreements made to an extent - there is no actual mention of the ECHR and the drafting around the consequences of not upholding these commitments is worryingly vague. “