Mothers' Instinct - A Stylish Star Vehicle

Written by Zoe Crombie
It’s often said that as a generation, we don’t have movie stars in the true sense of the phrase anymore. With the timeless glamour of classic Hollywood falling out of fashion and the proliferation of social media preventing the same distance between stars and us regular folk from being maintained, it’s hard to point to a true Marilyn Monroe or Paul Newman of the 21st century. But this week’s film centres around the power of two women whose star quality is hard to deny: Jessica Chastain and Anne Hathaway.
The directorial debut of successful cinematographer Benoit Delhomme, the cinematographer behind The Theory of Everything and At Eternity’s Gate, Mother’s Instinct is a polished homage to old Hollywood and the woman’s picture. Starring Hathaway and Chastain as two housewives in the American suburbs of 1960, the film follows their neighbourly friendship and its turn into tragedy and intrigue. Adapted from a Belgian film of the same name by Olivier Masset Depasse, who was originally set to direct the remake, this is an appropriately star-studded reinterpretation that makes full use of its leading ladies.
The pair at the heart of the film are two of the best actresses of their generation, and the rare Hollywood duo who can still bring a real sense of prestige and grandeur to a movie. If you’re a fan of the melodramas and noirs of the 40s and 50s, Mother’s Instinct is a modern revision that might just scratch the same itch for you.
Mothers' Instinct runs from 13th - 18th April
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