Government Culture Recovery Fund

The Dukes was delighted today to learn that we have been successful in receiving a grant from the Culture Recovery Fund. We are extremely grateful to be benefitting from this funding and would like to thank Arts Council England, HM Treasury, DCMS and all who worked on the grant for making it possible.
This funding is a much-valued lifeline for our organisation, helping us to continue our role in providing and developing engaging work, on and off stage, for and with the communities of the Lancaster District and Lancashire county.
It also means that we can look cautiously but hopefully to the future. This is still a critical time for our sector and the creatives and workers within our industry. This grant helps us an organisation plan to assist and champion the talent who help make theatre and the arts so vibrant, important and possible.
We’d also just like to thank our supporters, audiences, communities, volunteers and staff for celebrating and supporting The Dukes. You help us do what we do, keep us resilient and inspire us to push on.
Director of The Dukes, Karen O’Neill: “This morning we have been able to breath a sigh of relief at the good news that we have been successful in securing a grant from the Culture Recovery Fund. This grant will help to further secure the future of the Dukes and ensure that this vital cultural asset remains part of the Lancaster District and county. We are very grateful to Arts Council England, DCMS and HM Treasury for this support and also send a big, big thank you to our supporters, audiences, communities, volunteers and staff who continue to make incredible things happen at the Dukes. Although there are still challenges ahead, we are now looking towards the future with a renewed sense of hope and positivity for arts and culture in Lancaster.”