• Blast Fest

  • Stage



  • TBC

BLAST FEST Returns with 5 new pieces of work commissioned by the Dukes.

This annual celebration and snapshot of new work created by artists from or with a strong connection to our region is the best way to see up and coming work by the regions most talented artists, for free!

As always this will be an evening that spans a range of art forms and presentation styles, drawing inspiration from a varied wealth of subject matter. Simply watch and enjoy or reflect and feedback. Join us at the dawn of something exciting and new, to support and inform the creations of current and next generations of theatre makers.

It's always jam-packed so get your tickets quick!


Pay what you decide 

Get in Touch

The Dukes,
Moor Lane,

Booking enquiries: tickets@dukeslancaster.org

General enquiries: ask@dukeslancaster.org

Box Office: 01524 598500

You can download our Safeguarding & Privacy Policy here

Opening Times

General opening:

Mon: Closed

Tuesday - Friday: From 11am 

Saturday: From 10:30am

Sunday: From 11am

Events will start at the time advertised. Please arrive in good time to be seated comfortably. 
Please note on days with no events the building will be shut. 

Support The Dukes

The Dukes is a registered charity (no. 501935).

We could not exist without support from our partners and members.

The Dukes is Funded By