• Strike: An Uncivil War (15)

  • Cinema


  • £6.50 Full Price
  • £5.50 Concessions
  • £4.50 Student Members


  • 104

The Miners’ Strike of 1984/85 was the most divisive and violent industrial dispute that Britain has ever witnessed, and using powerful personal testimony, previously hidden government documents and a treasure trove of never before seen archive STRIKE: AN UNCIVIL WAR also tells the full story of the Battle of Orgreave, which took place on 18th June 1984.

The Strikes were not just about coal mines but touched on class, community, gender, relationships, and ideologies. It represented a clash between socialist and capitalist visions for Britain. The strike's impact left the country more divided, with unresolved questions. 

“What has shocked me though was discovering the level of planning. From the very top. A government hell bent on destroying its own people.” - Director, Daniel Gordon

Image: © John Harris/reportdigital.co.uk

Talking Pictures

Join us in the bar after the Wednesday 26th June screening for Talking Pictures. Talking Pictures is a relaxed way to watch a new release and discuss it with other film lovers. Watch the screening and join us in the bar afterwards for an informal discussion led by a film expert.

Talking Pictures is supported by Film Hub North with National Lottery funding on behalf of the BFI Film Audience Network. 

Get in Touch

The Dukes,
Moor Lane,

Booking enquiries: tickets@dukeslancaster.org

General enquiries: ask@dukeslancaster.org

Box Office: 01524 598500

You can download our Safeguarding & Privacy Policy here

Opening Times

General opening:

Mon: Closed

Tuesday - Friday: From 11am 

Saturday: From 10:30am

Sunday: From 11am

Events will start at the time advertised. Please arrive in good time to be seated comfortably. 
Please note on days with no events the building will be shut. 

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